"[Socialist theories] provided no rational method for allocating resources and no effective work incentives, and no guarantees of individual rights."
Neo-communists are a coalition of causes (or, as the founders would have called them, factions) who have no blueprint for their utopia. Thus they operate in ways that benefit Islamic radicals and dictators because they're opposed to the US and not "for" anything in particular.
"Even after the fall of Communism, [neo-communists] believe that Western market societies are societies whose destruction is required in the name of humanity and its survival."
p. 130 The far left feel that "religious belief is a response to the suffering caused by private property... The revolution that removes the cause of this suffering will also remove the religious beliefs it inspires. Thus, the liberation of mankind from private property - the defeat of America and Western capitalism - will liberate Islamic fanatics from the need to be Islamic and fanatic."
p. 131 "Whatever atrocities the Soviets had committed or miseries they had caused, the Soviet state was nonetheless a defender of revolutionary hopes and an obstacle to the predations of the democratic West."
Racism is systemic and institutional. "Only whites can be racist," according to the far left. "Race-gender class hierarchies are a staple of academic curriculum." Racism is not an attitude or belief, but the "objective expression of an inequality of power" outside of an individual's control. Therefore, all whites are inherently racist according to leftists.
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